
Showing posts from October, 2018
10/26/2018 - On Thursday i glazed some pieces. I glazed the bottom of pieces that might have water on them. I put a grey gloss glaze on my little seal figurine. I tried to put a roof on my little hut but it wasnt big enough or the right shape so my hut still doesnt have a roof.
10/24/18 - On tuesday i tried to continue working on my little garden huts. I realized they didnt actually need bottoms on them so i took it off of both and that was alright. I tried to make little doorways on both but the larger house broke at the doorway, and when i tried to reconnect it with clay, it just split in half. I think that the clay ended up getting a bit too dry but ill continue working with the taller house.
10/19/18 - This is what i worked on this week in class. The thing with the hole is my small seal figurine. The hole i originally made was too small so i used a tool to make the hole bigger. The other two constructions are small slab constructions. I'm planning on turning them into small houses that look like they could belong to a gnome or fairy or something. I put them in a plastic bag not all the way closed so hopefully they will become leatherhard by next class.
10/13/2018 - I did this in class on Thursday. I tried throwing on the wheel for the first time. The first time i tried, is what ended up with the third picture. I got the clay centered well enough but then i accidentally decapitated it when trying to raise up the walls. For the rest of class i couldnt center my clay for the life of me, and that ended up in pictures one and two.
10/9/18 - Today i glazed these two pieces. I put a clear transparent glaze on the outside of the black and white plant pot, and put the light grey gloss glaze on the inside of the pot. On my little statue, i put the matte elephant hide so that it will look like stone when out of the kiln. I really like how both of these pieces turned out.
10/4/2018 - This is the small animal figure ive been working on. I made it out of two pinch pots and flattened them out. I'm planning on putting a nice dark grey gloss glaze after its been fired once. I decided to do this because i think the fat seal is funny and kinda cute.