
Showing posts from November, 2018
11/29/18 - Ive done two more pieces on the wheel. The top two pictures are a mug that i want to use at some point in the future after being fired. The bottom two pictures are what i want to be a table sugar bowl for my parents. I had to make it smaller multiple times and i still feel like it may be too thick.
11/24/18 - Last week before break i used the wheel again. The first bowl did not end up correct but i tried again and made a nice bowl that i really like. I left it on the wheel and will hopefully finish it when we return to class.
11/13/2018 - I used the throwing wheel today. I got both pieces centered well but when i tried to pull them up they both kind of got decapitated. The first i tried to push back down and the top of the material just came off with my hand. The second was going better but it was eventually getting pretty thin and i accidentally just pulled it off the plate with my finger pressing against the bottom. I just need more practice.
11/9/2018 - This week I decided to get rid of my little hut castle tiny house thing that i had made. It really got too dry and the little roof that i had put on it had a huge crack and it was going to be hard to fix. Last class period i rolled out a slab and i actually tried to make another one of the little circle homes but the clay was way too wet and it wouldnt join without warping badly. From there i cut out a circle and was going to make a small coil pot. The base for it was too small and none of my coils were the correct size. The clay was also still very wet so i ended up scrapping the bowl as well.
11/2/2018 - During this week I continued working on my small hut house thing. Its giving me surprising amount of trouble. I tried to create a pointy roof for it but that did not look good so i decided to get rid of it. I put a flat piece of slab on top of it to create more of a castle look and as it dried it ended up cracking. Ill put more clay on that spot and get it wet to keep it there. I tried to make a pinch pot but i ended up dropping it right at the end of class. I made two because I wanted to make another smaller animal sculpture. Thursday in class i worked on the scholastic magazine and didn't get a chance to work on any clay.